Thursday, October 4, 2012


I never ever in a million years thought I would say this, but...

I love to dance.

When I signed up for Beginning Social Dance this semester, I didn't forsee this affection blossoming.  I thought I would enjoy it, maybe a little, and that I would be bad at it and laugh through my failure.

But now look at me.  I go to dance lab every Monday afternoon for an extra hour and a half of practice, I'm going to start going to Social Dance Club for an hour every Tuesday night.  Not because I have to, but because I want to.

I seriously love it.

I love it so much that I'll get back from class, turn on Pandora, pump up the volume, and dance foxtrot by myself in my bedroom to Michael Buble or Frank Sinatra.

But can I just talk about waltz for a moment?
I only know something like 3 steps, but when I dance it nothing could feel more natural or perfect.
I feel like Regina Spektor knew what she was talking about when she said "The heart beats in three, just like a waltz, and no one can stop you from dancing."  Because really.  It's that much fun to dance.

I never saw this coming, but I'm glad I'm learning how to actually dance.  I don't think I can ever go back to rock-awkwardly-back-and-forth stake dance dancing.

Me encanta bailar.  Es la verdad.


  1. does this mean you've forgiven me for talking you into this class? waltz is seriously the most elegant, graceful, beautiful, fairy-tale-esque thing in the world. my heart kind of melts when i see it.

  2. Um...YES, you're forgiven.
    And I can't wait to actually LEARN waltz. Maybe some dashing young gentleman will teach me on Tuesday?

  3. as a matter of fact, i recollected the other day that the fellow who was going to offer to walk me home last week is a chemical engineering major. i imagine i could hook you up if you so desired...

  4. Um well I'm going on a mission. But maybe I'll see if he's there again on Tuesday.
