Friday, October 19, 2012

Resurfacing and Adventures in the Wonderful World of VBA


Somehow I got out of three days with three tests and a major project with...decent grades, all homework done, a relatively relaxed weekend to look forward to, and a VBA program that accurately calculates the surface area cost and the output temperature of the most efficient shell and tube heat exchanger that can be made using the inputted specifications.

Since I know you're DYING to see it, here it is!

You have to admit, that's pretty cool.
And not only is it cool, but it WORKS.  Look at this.

Those are the right answers.  Our professor gave us the values to test it.  And our program is right on.  Perfect.
Oh and also look at this fancy thing I programmed it to do.

It will also give a message box if you input a negative mass flow rate, or if you specify both the output temperatures, or if the temperatures you input for your fluid indicate that the substance is a solid or a gas.


Also, I'm about done with my mission papers.  I just need to scan in a picture of my driver's license and a picture of myself dressed according to missionary standards, press submit, and then I am FINISHED.  CRAZY, huh?

Friday, October 12, 2012

Doctor, Dentist, Insurance, Adenoids, Eardrums, Shell and Tube Heat Exchangers

So today I finally started my papers! HOORAY!  And actually I'm mostly done.  I just need a few tidbits about when I got my adenoids out and what prescriptions I've taken and exactly what medications I'm allergic to again and things.

I also got my doctor's appointment set up for Monday and my dentist's appointment set up for Tuesday.  It took only 2 hours on the phone, calling office after office after office, but at least I got it done, and soon!  As long as everything goes right, I should have my papers finished and turned in to be reviewed by Tuesday night.  WOW, that's soon.

This upcoming week is going to be crazy with all this stuff, and my tests and projects I have.  But I realized this morning that I feel neither overwhelmed or despairing.  I know that I'm doing what my Heavenly Father wants me to be doing, and that He will bless me with the strength, energy, and focus I need to push through this stuff.

Hopefully, I should have my mission call by about November 14.

...oh, wow that's really soon.

But I could not be any more excited!

Monday, October 8, 2012

No Answer

My heart today is filled to the brim and almost overflowing.

It is very plain to me that the past two days have completely changed my life--and not only my life, but me.  I am different today than I was before 10:00 on Saturday morning.  And I love it.

It's incredible for me to see how Heavenly Father has been guiding me, watching over me, chastening me, preparing me for this crowning moment in my life thus far.

A few weeks ago, I decided what I wanted, what I was ready for, and I had been pleading with Him ever since then for help in getting it.  None was forthcoming.  I was confused because the answer to my pleas wasn't a "yes" or a "no," it was just nothing.  No answer.  And then something else came up, and I went to Him for guidance, and that question also received no answer.  I was worried that maybe I was doing something wrong and wasn't worthy of His counsel.  These were straightforward questions, and there were only two ways they could go.  I could see that as plainly as day.

And then I heard the announcement at the beginning of Saturday morning Conference and suddenly it all made sense.  It had seemed to me that I needed to know, that there were only these two options, but I didn't know that I would be able to serve a mission right now.  That changed everything.  Heavenly Father knew that was coming and He knew that He wanted me to be ready and able right away to start preparing.

I'm thrilled to start the process of filling out my papers and I can't wait to see where I am called.  I'm excited to have the chance to serve the Lord with everything I have and am.  It's going to be incredible, and I am so blessed that my Heavenly Father loves me and wants me to serve Him in this way.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Voy a Ser Una Misionera

I don't think I have ever felt so happy in all my life.

For months I have longed to go on a mission and, with a sigh, resigned myself to waiting another year and a half, or a little more.

But I can go right now.  Right this second, if I wanted to.

My heart has been thudding with anticipation and excitement ever since President Monson's announcement this morning.

Don't ask me just yet when I'm going, but it will either be after this current semester or after the school year ends in April.

It's going to be incredible and I honestly cannot wait to leave everything in the world behind and serve the Lord with all my heart, might, mind, and strength.  Honestly, there is nothing I want more.

And the more I think about it, I can see that Heavenly Father has been preparing me for this, directing my thoughts, feelings, and decisions so that I would be ready and able to begin the mission process the moment I heard this announcement.

I can't stop smiling, and I cry every time I start to think about it.


Thursday, October 4, 2012


I never ever in a million years thought I would say this, but...

I love to dance.

When I signed up for Beginning Social Dance this semester, I didn't forsee this affection blossoming.  I thought I would enjoy it, maybe a little, and that I would be bad at it and laugh through my failure.

But now look at me.  I go to dance lab every Monday afternoon for an extra hour and a half of practice, I'm going to start going to Social Dance Club for an hour every Tuesday night.  Not because I have to, but because I want to.

I seriously love it.

I love it so much that I'll get back from class, turn on Pandora, pump up the volume, and dance foxtrot by myself in my bedroom to Michael Buble or Frank Sinatra.

But can I just talk about waltz for a moment?
I only know something like 3 steps, but when I dance it nothing could feel more natural or perfect.
I feel like Regina Spektor knew what she was talking about when she said "The heart beats in three, just like a waltz, and no one can stop you from dancing."  Because really.  It's that much fun to dance.

I never saw this coming, but I'm glad I'm learning how to actually dance.  I don't think I can ever go back to rock-awkwardly-back-and-forth stake dance dancing.

Me encanta bailar.  Es la verdad.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

The Best Kind of Distraction

I was walking to campus today when I suddenly remembered that my middle class, the one right after devotional, was canceled due to our exam, which I already took.

My initial thought:
OOH.  NICE.  I can get a head start on my programming homework.  Right after devotional I'll get to work on that.  And I can even listen to my Frank Sinatra/Dean Martin/Michael Buble Pandora station while I do it.
(Because we all know that Frank Sinatra is the absolute best.)

What actually happened:
All right, let's do this.
Okay, no, I should read a conference talk first.  Just really fast.  I can read the one that we talked about in our Relief Society lesson on Sunday.  Since I've been wanting to read it the past couple days anyway.  I'll just read that.  Really quickly.  Then I'll start my assignment.

Okay, now I finished that.  But I also have really been wanting to read this other one that I really like. Yeah, it's fine, I'll just read that one too.

That was so good.  I have time to read just one more, yeah?  I totally do.  I'll read this one too.

Needless to say, I didn't start on my homework.  Instead, I re-read all my favorite talks from Elder Holland.

And here, have one of my ALL-TIME favorite quotes from the second talk.