Friday, September 28, 2012


Let's just be honest here.

The real reason I watch Downton Abbey is for the clothes.

I drooled over a few of Sybil's and Mary's gowns.  And also Mary's hats.


One of my VERY favorites.

It's just so beautiful.  Really.

I'm really mad there isn't a picture of my favorite of Sybil's gowns.  OH WELL.  We'll have to make do with this.

(I wish you could see her whole coat here--it's GORGEOUS)

I almost cried at Mary's headband for her wedding dress.

Isn't it so pretty?
Here, look at it some more.

And actually let's just look at her whole dress while we're at it.

I would wear something like that.  I would.  It's so simple, yet elegant...I just love it.

I mean sure, the characters are pretty cool, the story line is interesting and engaging, and also MARY AND MATTHEW, but I watch this show because 1920's fashion.
I think that's reason enough, don't you?

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