Thursday, September 6, 2012

Bienvenido a la Universidad

Oh, college.
How I love thee.

Today was a marvelous day--I got a ton of homework done and even squeezed in a nap.  I learned the foxtrot and did not fall over or trip over anyone or step on my partners' toes.  I'm actually pretty good at dancing, believe it or not. The TA told me I was doing the steps "perfectly."
(That is so exciting to me.  I honestly believed that I was doomed to a life of utter uncoordination.  But perhaps there is hope for me yet!)  I helped my friend with our Excel homework (and got all the answers right, even WolframAlpha approved.)  I learned all about dienes and addition reactions: both the 1,2 and the 1,4 products, which one is kinetic and which is thermodynamic, how to predict which one will be the major product, and about Diels-Alder reactions, which are honestly super cool.  They follow a concerted reaction mechanism, which is my favorite.  I turned in my calculus homework and my statistics homework, and checked them with my friend/the TA (her name is Jessica) and got the right answers. And because I did so much homework, I got to watch Castle in the Sky.  It was fantastic.  Pazu and Sheeta are ADORABLE.

Tomorrow I only have 2 classes, and they're my easiest 2, so I will get even further ahead on my homework and be all ready to party it up this weekend with my freshman chums.

As always, I'm excited for Episode 7.2 of DW on Saturday, even if Jenna won't be in it.  Because Rupert will be.  Oh, Rupert, darling.

I'll continue my study journal tomorrow.  I'm too tired at present.  Sorry.

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