Monday, September 17, 2012


Last night, something a little unusual and kind of funny happened.

My life changed.

And not just a little shift or a tiny alteration.  It changed dramatically for good.

I'm not sure I can pinpoint one thing that spurred it, but everything has been jump-started in the best way imaginable.  It's almost like my life was a system of gears, complex and yet astonishingly simple, waiting for one final piece to fit in before it could leap into a glorious whir of motion.

Well, that last piece clicked into place yesterday, and I have never felt so good about anything before.  For the first time in ages my thoughts, desires, actions, and beliefs are sliding into perfect, almost supernal alignment.  I feel free and decidedly attuned and I'm ready to plunge myself, heart and soul, into doing the work of Him who loves, trusts, and values me more than anyone else ever could.

I'm going to need His support now more than ever, but I step forward with the embedded and abiding certainty that He will never let me fall.

I know I've expressed sentiments like this before, but it's never been quite like this.  Because this time I've had the courage to make an immense (albeit necessary) change, and it's propelled me in a giant step toward my potential and the blessings of heaven.

I love the Lord; in Him my soul delights.  I am prepared to offer unto Him my whole heart--to make serving in His kingdom my first and favorite thing to do.

I'm writing this here to remind myself for the future--I have never felt more at peace or more filled with courage than I do right now.  If ever I find myself feeling lost, burdened, or hopeless, I need only step back a realign my priorities with the priorities of heaven.

People may doubt this gospel, but I cannot doubt it myself.  How can something that makes me feel so lastingly good, so whole be in any way wrong?

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