Tuesday, June 24, 2014

May 5--1000 Intercambios

This week Hermana F and I have developed a serious problem where we plan at night and then we start some gospel conversation and keep talking until suddenly we realize in shock that we only have 15 minutes to put on pajamas, brush our teeth, write in our journals, and pray... We just love each other.

I ended up doing 2 exchanges, one on Tuesday, when we had our mission leadership meeting at President´s house, ate lunch there, and said goodbye to the B's, who are in Africa for a 2-week safari before heading home. I will miss them a TON. They are really just like my parents. I almost cried again saying goodbye to them. I also gave Elder B a hug 3 times right in front of President and the APs... ;)

The meeting was awesome, and I really learned a lot about our motives for obedience and working hard. We talked so much about love, both for our fellow missionaries and investigators and for the Savior, and I realized that without that love we don´t really learn or accomplish anything in the mission. When we are obedient because we love, that´s when miracles happen. So many missionaries are obedient because they want recognition or want to impress someone.  But when we obey because we want to serve the Savior the best way possible, we really do live the highest "law" or "rule", even the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that He would rather have us obey that with love for Him than do anything else. 

The other exchange was on Friday with Hna. C. She´s super awesome, from Bolivia, and she knows Hna. M!

Speaking of Hna. M, I GOT TO SEE HER THIS WEEK! She came up to go to the temple and we went out to go get ice cream together on Thursday. She told me, to my great delight, that G, the woman we were teaching in Maplewood, GOT BAPTIZED!!!!!!! Gives me hope for all our Muslims. :)

My companion and I have turned into the Primary Presidency this week. We came to the realization that none of our investigators understand anything we are teaching them, so we really need to simplify our teaching style. We made all sorts of visual aids and things to help them see and better understand our doctrines. We´ve been talking a lot this week, with everyone, about who is God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. So many people are confused about that, and until they understand that, they can´t understand the Restoration! 
Have a great week and Happy Mother´s Day to come!  Here Mother´s Day was yesterday. :)
Hermana Lara Schaumann

Soccer is a fanatic obsession of everyone in Spain. Latinos, Spaniards, Africans, all of them. Whenever there´s a game we rarely can find someone to meet with us, and then if we´re in the streets there´s no one, not even any sound until someone scores a goal, at which point everyone starts blowing foghorns, applauding, shouting, cheering, etc. We always know what the score is even without trying to know it. :)

Service is just usually random stuff when the opportunity comes up, such as helping people clean or move. Probably once a week or once every 2 weeks we have a service project to do. 

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