Tuesday, June 24, 2014

April 21

I don´t even know what to say about this week...it was a little rough...but I´ve heard that´s normal for Semana Santa. 

Our classes didn´t go so well seeing as how everyone was out of town or had family in town and couldn´t come...but we got a lot of advertising done so hopefully we can get that going. A lot of people were really interested when we told them about it. Holidays in Spain are just difficult. 

We did have a really cool experience yesterday with working with the members. We stopped by to visit the branch president and his family and we talked about how we could help them with their family missionary work and they gave us a reference of someone his wife had met in a class she´s taking. They told us a lot of stories of how they´ve shared the gospel with either people they know or people they meet in a class or in the store or on a banch and how a lot of those people have gotten baptized!  Unfortunately, the reference they gave us last night doesn´t live in our area, but they committed to having an FHE and inviting someone!  We´re really excited about that. 

Other than that, it was a kind of tricky week. Our investigators who were doing well are now being showered in challenges and problems, and we´re not really finding a lot of new people who are really dedicated and serious about learning the gospel.  We´ve been dropping a lot of people and we´re spending our time trying to work with the members, because none of the people we´re finding in the street are really that interested. 
So hopefully things get better soon! We are still working and praying and hopefully this new focus will give us some real progress. 

Keep your prayers coming, especially for M, who had an extra difficult week, and for R and G.

I love you all and hope you have a great week!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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