Tuesday, June 24, 2014

May 12--Pics Catch-Up

NOTE:  Lara had been holding out on us, saving up all her pictures with her "pelirroja" from the last two months so she would surprise us with her hair-color change on her Mother's Day phone call.  So we got a bunch of them all at once!

From Lara:
So to be really quick my comp got transferred to central Madrid and tomorrow I go to pick up my new comp, who´s going to be a greenie!  So I´ll keep you posted about her next week when I find out. I´ll be staying here in Alcorcón with the elders. We have the best district in the whole world.  

And I know you were all demanding pics yesterday, so here:

All the Island Girls/STL with Elder B at the mission home

All the Island Girls! (at the Palace Hotel)

At the Temple for Conference

Me with all my F comps

All the leaders who served in the islands

Almost all of our Gran Canaria District.  We're all mission leaders now.

My favorite picture of my whole mission!

The Temple

w/ Hna F in Toledo in March

In Toledo in March

Another Toledo in March

Another in Toledo in March
In Toledo in March

New Hair! (from March)

With Hna F, at the Temple

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