Tuesday, June 24, 2014

April 28

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! For my birthday I went to 2 bars, since I´m now of legal drinking age. :)

This week was better than last week, even though we had almost no lessons. We´ve developed a slight obsession with the Easter video published by the church (easter.mormon.org) and we showed it to literally every single one of our investigators. 

We haven´t seen M this week, as she´s been busy with a bunch of random things...we´ll see if she gets moving again or if we have to drop her for a little while. R and G have been doing better as well, we had a really good lesson with them yesterday and R is finally starting to recognize that he needs new friends that aren´t such a bad influence on him. He always says "oh yeah I want to do things right" and then never does anything, but yesterday there was a different spirit about him and he even started to cry. So I hope he will make the big changes he has to make to be able to have an eternal family. 

We stopped by J L this week, who´s Dominican and therefore a little flojo, to have a "make it or break it" lesson. We told him quite boldly what we were going to expect him to do and that if he didn´t do his part we wouldn´t visit him. As we were talking, his 9 year-old daughter came in.  To end the lesson, we showed the Jesus video to him and his daughter. That video has such power that after you watch it you just stay silent for a few minutes. We asked them how they felt after it ended, and he said "really good" and his daughter said "better than before I watched it."  She even got a pen and paper to write down the website so she could watch it again. We gave her a Book of Mormon and when we left she was reading it with a marking pencil in her hand. So that was really cool! 

I went on an exchange this week to Leganés, which was really fun (Leganés has the COOLEST piso in the whole mission, it´s 2 stories and you can go out on the roof and the walls are bright orange, purple, green, etc.) We went to visit a less active sister who takes care of an old couple, and the old lady told me about 500 times that I was really guapa and that I needed to find a good novio. It was SO funny. She also started singing some random Spanish folk song to Hna. B and me. 

Another funny thing that happened is that we were going on the train and then on the metro and I saw this woman with a baby and she dropped something and so I helped her pick it up and we started talking and then when we were on the metro I asked her for her number and she started giving it to us right as we reached our stop, so she gave it to us and then we had to go running out the door before it shut. Hna. B ran before me and then the doors started to close so I got a super power/adrenaline rush and made it through right before it closed. If it had closed before I got out I would have had to wait until the next stop, get off and try and figure out how to find Hna. B in an area I don´t know at all. Just goes to show that missionaries literally receive strength and protection from the Lord! 

Keep your prayers coming, we´re in pretty serious finding mode right now because we really need some good new investigators! 
Hermana Lara Schaumann

p.s.  ALSO I don´t know if any of you remember me talking about A in Las Palmas, but HE GOT BAPTIZED YESTERDAY!  Hna. S is going to send me pictures...I´ll forward them when I get them. :) 

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