Monday, February 3, 2014

Segovia, 10 nuevos, y bautismos africanos

February 3, 2014--I, Lara's mom, am handling this blog while she is gone, and managed to put this later post after the ones above.  So it's a little out of order.  Sorry!


So we´re a little short on time today, so I´m going to keep it brief.

First, we found two golden boys!  One is named A, he´s from Ecuador, 20 years old, and has a legit afro.  It´s SOFT.  It´s so cool.  Hna. F found him on the street and he came to meet with us and he´s awesome.  He has a ton of questions about everything and he´s really interested in everything we say. Hopefully we´re going to see him this afternoon!

The other one is named J. He´s from Mozambique and he is truly GOLDEN.  We found him at the locutorio.  Which, talk about a hopping place!  We agreed to meet with C and another one of his friends that we had met there on Tuesday night, and so we went and the place was full of Africans.  There were like 5 of them.  So we just taught them all the restoracion with the cups and they all ate it up and we got all of the numbers and set up new appointments with all of them. And then we came back on Thursday and it happened again!  On Thursday J was there.  Most of the Africans there are from Nigeria.  But J was just quiet and listened to everything we said and then at the end I gave him the Book of Mormon and testified that the Spirit would bring peace to his heart and soul and confirm that it is true.  He smiled and said, "Yeah, I already feel that just by holding it in my hand." And when we got up to leave, he said, "Thank you, this has been one of the most beautiful moments of my life." We met with him the next day and gave him a baptismal date for 2 weeks from now, on February 15th!  He has been through some ROUGH things in his life, he just got robbed a couple weeks ago, and he was perfectly humbled to be able to receive the gospel.  For any of you who remember me talking about D in Las Palmas, we basically found ourselves a D. He is FANTASTIC. He even came with us to our area-wide Stake Conference broadcast at Temple Square, more than AN HOUR away. (Which was really awesome.  A few of the Seventies gave their talks in Spanish, without a translator or anything!  And Elder Ballard spoke, a lot about the second coming.  It was really cool.) 

And we finally figured out we´re going to the temple on March 26th, unless I get transferred out of the zone.  That will make it more than 8 months since I last went to the temple...

So the reason we´re so short on time today is because we went to Segovia! I´ll send a few pictures.  It was freezing cold and snowing (we basically went through a blizzard) and so my hair is flying EVERYWHERE in the pictures.  It´s BEAUTIFUL though.  It looks like Austria or Switzerland or somewhere like that. I absolutely loved it!
Have a great week!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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