Monday, February 17, 2014

China, Cheetos and Hot Oil

Hello all,
So first off, today is the beginning of a new transfer!  I have 4 and a half left before I end my mission...YIKES...and I didn´t get transfered, but Hna. V did, to Azuqueca.  Hna. F and I will be staying here in Alcorcón.  And another surprise that I found out yesterday is that I´m going to be the Sister Training Leader for our zone!  Usually there are 2 for each zone, but because our zone doesn´t have a lot of hermanas, I´m the only one. What I´ve figured out so far that this means is that I get to do exchanges with the other 7 hermanas in the zone (in Móstoles and in Léganes) and I get to go to the big mission leader meeting in the mission home!  And this transfer it´s extra exciting because Elder Teixeira, our area president general authority, is coming to do a mission tour, so we´re going to have our leader meeting as a part of that, I think with him there!  I´m pretty excited about that, but I also have to figure out when and how I´m going to do 7 intercambios in the next 6 weeks...So that will be an adventure. :)

This week was...interesting...we had a few crazy things happen but we´re still going fine. J didn´t end up getting baptized for various reasons, but we´ll continue working with him to see what we can figure out and help him with there. And our other investigators continue along.  R and G came to church again, they´re awesome and I just LOVE them, especially R. They´re saving up money so they should be able to get their marriage papers by the end of this month!  After that it´s just an 8 month wait to get married in Alcorcón!  

So we did have one really cool lesson this week...IN CHINESE... There´s a little shop owned by a Chinese family across the street from our piso and we gave them some pamphlets in Chinese and a Book of Mormon.  We really wanted to talk to them, so we printed out some stuff from and had questions for him to answer (the dad) and we basically taught him about the Book of Mormon even though he doesn´t speak Spanish and we definitely don´t speak Chinese. It was amazing though, the Spirit was so strong and even though we didn´t speak the same language we could understand what was being said. It was really amazing. Proof that the Spirit is a universal language!  

For Valentine´s day...we didn´t really do much exciting.  We just bought our Africans some Valentine´s cookies and saw them all at once in the locutorio.  We did the tea bag demo.  It was intense.  Pretty cool stuff.  So instead of going on dates we just set some stuff on fire. It worked.

Also, my companions discovered Angry Birds Cheetos, which are really big puffed Cheeto spirals, and bought 2 bags, which they had eaten within 30 minutes. It was really funny.

And the random event of this week is that we were making lunch of Wednesday and Hermana V had just heated up some oil to cook something and then I´m not even sure what happened but she was walking around me (I was also cooking on the stove) and somehow she spilled a ton of hot oil all over my skirt.  She screamed and then held my skirt up away from my body so it wouldn´t burn my leg, and then I screamed because she had screamed, but then we calmed down and I realized what had happened and we cleaned it up and changed out of my skirt. ALL GOOD.  Unfortunately it was my favorite red skirt...but she had an extra red skirt that she was going to get rid of so she just gave that to me. So all is well. It was just really funny because we were both just screaming and we didn´t realize what had happened. But no damage done, except to the skirt. Unfortunately I didn´t take a picture. Que pena.

Also a quick transfer tidbit: if any of your remember me talking about Elder K in the MTC--well, he´s coming to Alcorcón!  So we will be having an INTERESTING transfer here.  We´re super excited.

Have a great week, all!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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