Monday, February 10, 2014

"You should read this book. It will make you happy!"

servicio y milagros

So today I got to go to Torrejón because Hna. V (my trainer) is going home next week and they had a farewell party there.  It was AWESOME to see everyone again and refreshing that they all remembered me, even though I was only there 2 transfers!  It was so weird being back there though. 

What even happened this week...? We were super busy, which was awesome.  We were swamped like all the time. J is still doing awesome, he accepts every commitment without question and he´s still on track to get baptized this weekend.  Unless something dramatic happens or we feel like he needs more time, that should be going through.  Pray for him, please!  He´s trying so hard and it´s really amazing to see the changes in him. 

Something we´ve had a lot of success with as a companionship is speaking in a soft voice. A lot of times it is easy to get frustrated or overexcited and talk loudly, but as we speak in a calm, soft voice, the Spirit is always more present and the investigators can hear its witness of the truth. It has helped all of our investigators so much. 

We also witnessed an incredible change in one of our investigators, C, through service. We helped him organize some things around his locutorio and clean up a little, and when we came back a couple days later his attitude toward us was entirely different. He was happy and excited and had been reading the Book of Mormon. And then one of his friends stopped by and C invited him to talk with us another day, and asked if we could give him a copy of the Book of Mormon. We gave him one, and C said, "Yeah, you should read this book, it will make you happy!" It was amazing to see the change that service had brought in his attitude toward us and toward the gospel.

Yeah I don´t know what else...not much...We couldn´t get a hold of A all week and finally we realized that we had saved his number wrong in our phone!  So we´re going to see him tomorrow and start all that again!  He still wants to meet with us, thank goodness!

Keep praying for all our investigators!  They´re awesome.  Ri and G came to church, and so did Ro.  Ri was awake this time (!) but I totally woke Ro up when I called him yesterday morning. Oh well, it was totally worth it!

Have a great week!  I love you!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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