Monday, December 30, 2013

Navidad y mucho exito! (and wrestling with an elevator)

Dec. 25th--I'm just gonna send out a quick one this week because I already talked to some of you yesterday and we don't have a ton of time. So highlights:

H's friend F is getting baptized in January! On the 12. He's super awesome. 

We had the best lesson I've ever had in my whole life with an old investigator L and her friend A. The spirit was so strong and I just felt this immense love for me the whole time.

I saw the most beautiful dance I've ever seen in my life because our ward mission leader had some dance fundraiser and our investigator was begging us to come so we did.  and his best ballerina did a solo.  It was so beautiful I almost cried.  I have never even come close to crying watching dance before. But she just did a fantastic job. 

We had a great Christmas with the B's and their son. Who, by the way, served his mission in Copenhagen and knows Michael.  Elder Buhler? Ring any bells? 

I hope you all have a fantastic week and I love you all!!!

Dec.29th--So F is still doing awesome!  Still on track for the 20th.  He smokes like 2 cigarettes a day but he wants to quit and he´s willing to try and to trust in God. So he can leave that behind and keep progressing.  He came to church yesterday with his 3 year-old son Daniel.  He´s SUPER cute.

A:  We got to see him again this week and it was incredible.  The first thing he said as soon as we had started the lesson was that ever since he met with us last week, he´s a different person.  He said that the lesson we had changed his manner of thinking and his perspective on life.  He said that before, he always had an attitude of "anything goes" but that after, he realized that some things really are more important than others, and you have to do what you can to work towards what´s most important. It was really amazing, because that´s what the gospel is. It changes you. I asked how he felt about those changes and he said he felt really good, like he knew it was better. We taught the plan of salvation and it went really well again.  He understood pretty much everything and believes it!

Also, we´re teaching a FAMILY.  A CANARIAN FAMILY.  That´s a HUGE deal, for those of you that aren´t in the Canary Islands.  We found the mom at a baptism of a member´s 8 year-old daughter.  Her name is Y (the mom), and her daughter A is the same age as the girl who got baptized, and they know each other from school.  So she came to the baptism because she was invited by her daughter's friend´s mom, and when she got there she recognized our ward mission leader, because her daughter used to take dance classes from him. So she started talking with him and asking him all sorts of questions about the church, and so he called us over to talk with her, and we got her number and set up an appointment!  We went over on Friday morning with the mission leader´s wife, and taught her the first lesson.  She had a lot of doubts but she´s looking for the truth and she´s going to recognize it. And the best part is that she has 3 kids ages 15, 12, and 8 and she wants all of them to be involved in the church. The mission leader's wife  explained a lot about the organization of the church to teach each person at their own level and all the activities with the primary, YM/YW, and Relief Society, and she loved it.  She came to church yesterday with her youngest daughter and it was great because the mission leader's wife just sat next to her the whole time and answered her questions as they arose.  That´s how missionary work should be! Go members go!

Yesterday the elders had a baptism but it was kind of stressful for us because one of our investigators who is slightly insane came (but really he is insane, he takes medication) and another lady was standing outside the church so we started talking to her and invited her to the baptism and then as she kept talking to us we realized that she was also insane so we spent the entire baptism babysitting 2 crazy people, making sure they didn´t run away, stopping them from going up onto the stand to talk to the bishop, bothering Hermana B who was playing the piano, etc. That is NOT how missionary work should be...

So we still had a ton of lessons even though it was Christmas. YAY!  Our investigators like us!

Funny stories for the week:
Christmas Day my voice just utterly vanished. Like I could feel my voice going away throughout the day and by the end of it I was just rasping, basically. I wasn´t even sick or anything so I have NO IDEA why that happened.  The next day it was totally fine again. 

Also, we were going to visit a menos activa and we got into her building and someone had just gotten out of the elevator, so the door was still open, so I went to go in and the door just shut on me and smashed me over to the side until it finally realized that there was someone there and it wasn´t going to be able to close, and it opened again.  My companion was DYING of laughter afterwards.  I´m sure it must have been hilarious to watch, too bad I was on the receiving end of it. 

I love you all!  Have a great week
Christmas dinner


Christmas morning!

Gingerbread Houses!

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