Monday, November 11, 2013

Muchas lecciones y nadie en la capilla...

I believe this could be loosely translated as "Many lessons and nobody in the chapel"

Nov. 11
SO, before anybody freaks out, I'm a little under the weather with a nasty sore throat.  The B's took me to the doctor today and I got on some antibiotics and so I'll be as good as new in no time! 

Apart from that, we had a good week!  Y's phone was still broken so we went by almost every night.  It was so good to see her on a daily basis and really see her progress step by step.  We even made chocolate chip cookies with her and her mom, even though they turned out really sketchy because there are no chocolate chips, the brown sugar is different, and their oven was a six-inch square... but hey!  They were still cookies!

We got a fecha with guy from the Philippines named J for December 14th.  He is so sweet and everything we taught him he would just say, "Wow."  (We teach him in English, which makes it a good deal easier...)

Also, the elders found a homeless guy named D who is AMAZING!  He speaks 6 languages, is an electrical engineer, and plays the piano like nothing I've ever heard in my life.  We happened to run into him on the way home and so we walked all the way home with him in the rain and he told us his life story.  It was so sad but he has got to be one of the strongest, most amazing people I've ever met.  He's getting baptized on November 23rd!

We had a baptism yesterday from the elders and my companion and I had to teach the plan of salvation so I was trying to speak loud even though I'm losing my voice, but then at the end one of the ward members came up to me and told me that my Spanish has improved at least 75% since I got here to the islands.  It made me so happy!

Funny things this week:
C's daughter D was looking at the Liahone we had brought to teach our lesson and there was a picture of Lorenzo Snow and she said "Look, Santa Claus!"  It was so funny we had to bite our lips to keep from laughing.

We showed up like 20 minutes late to a meal appointment with the institute teacher and when we walked in he said "Hermanas, no dessert for you!"  We thought he was serious for a few seconds...

So keep your prayers coming!  We need them!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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