Monday, November 25, 2013

Conferencia de Zona y Día de Acción de Gracias!

We had a wonderful zone conference on Monday and Tuesday!

We all watched 17 Miracles together on Monday night at the B's and then we had the actual conference Tuesday morning.  We talked a lot about our desires and how if we really love the Lord, we will do everything in our power to be completely obedient.  There is an awesome conference talk about how a lot of times the sacrifices the Lord asks of us are small, not big.  He doesn´t usually ask that we sacrifice our lives, but rather that we read our scriptures daily, and pray sincerely, and other small things like that.
We watched an amazing video clip about a 16 year-old boy named Hector who was a convert to the church and who shares the gospel with EVERYONE.  The ward had a missionary activity and when they went to Hector´s apartment complex, every single person had already been invited to come to church, a church activity, or to meet with the missionaries, and all of them BY HECTOR.  In the video clip, he says a couple really profound things.  First, he was talking about his conversion, and he said that he read the Book of Mormon, prayed, and got an answer. And then he said "If I know it, I have to do it."  That was so amazing to me!  A testimony isn´t really worth anything if we don´t do anything about it.  And if we have that solid testimony, there won´t be any other real option but to do that which we know we ought to do.  The other thing he said was talking about why it´s so easy for him to share the gospel with everyone, even with people he doesn´t know.  He said, "If our Lord said it, you should do it!"  That hit me so hard.  If we really know that Jesus is the Christ, the Savior of the world, well, we should do what He says.  Whatever it is, however difficult of uncomfortable it may be. 
I just finished this morning reading Jesus the Christ.  I absolutely loved every minute and it was wonderful for me to be able to see the perfect example that He was. I love Him.
We´re currently struggling a little bit getting our investigators to keep commitments.  We were talking about it and we´re confused because we can feel the Spirit strongly in our lessons with them and we´re pretty sure they can feel it too, but then they don´t do anything that we invite them to do!  So either they aren´t feeling the Spirit, they don´t recognize that they´re feeling it, or they don´t realize that the committments we leave with them will help them feel the Spirit.  Our goal this week will be to figure out which of those is the problem...
Also, D got baptized on Saturday!! And Dad, you don´t have to worry about me not getting to sing with you guys because every Wednesday at FHE D plays Christmas songs on the piano and has me come over and sing them with him.  I´m probably going to sing O Holy Night at the ward talent show on December 20th and he´s going to accompany me. But his baptism was such an amazing experience and the testimony he shared at the end was incredible.  Too bad NONE of our investigators came...
Transfers are today but we aren´t changing here.  In our district only Elder D left for Madrid, so we´re pretty much the same still.  Hermana F and I decorated our piso super pretty today with snowlakes and a paper chain for Christmas!  It´s so pretty!  I took pictures...but I forgot my camera cord at home so I will send them to you next week.
Today our P-day is cut in half because we´re going to do the rest of it on Thursday!  We´re going up to the B's on Thursday afternoon with all the missionaries and the stake president and his family, and we´ll be there until about 6:00 at night!  We are really excited!
Also, Hermana F wants me to tell you all that it´s her birthday on Friday.  Just so you know. :)  I don´t know what I can do as a surprise seeing as how we have to be within sight and sound of each other 24/7...but I´ll see what I can cook up!
I love you all a ton and hope you have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

^It's snowing in the Canary Islands!

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