Monday, November 11, 2013


From Nov. 4:

We learned this week that they don´t really celebrate Halloween in Spain.  We saw probably 5 people total dressed up.  It was really sad.  But we made sugar cookies during our mediodia so it was okay. :D

I really have no idea what happened this this letter might be even more random than usual.  We had the HARDEST time having lessons with people.  We called every investigator and contact and less active person we know, but no one had time to meet with us, which was kind of sad.  The cool thing was that we ran into some people who had been looking for us or got blessed in some other way for our diligence. That was really cool. 

Neither Yerlandy nor Luis are going to get baptized this week.  We´re thinking maybe in 2 weeks more.  When we set that date with them, it fely good, but since then both of their schedules have been super complicated and we haven´t had a real solid lesson with them.  We all but dragged them to the YSA Halloween dance (because of transportation issues, not because they didn´t want to come), and they had a really good time, I think.  We´re going to see them tonight, which will be good.  Please keep praying for them!  We had a little bit of a panic because Yerlandy wasn´t answering her phone on Saturday and then she didn´t come to church on Sunday and all of yesterday she still didn´t answer her phone.  So finally we went to her house and basially rang the doorbell until she answered.  We went in and just talked to her for a while about her life and her concerns and everything and we found out that her mom just lost her job and that her phone broke, so that was why she hadn´t been answering.  We were worried that something had happened and she didn´t want to talk to us but she still likes us!  YAY!  And when we asked her about getting baptized she said that she feels comfortable and good in the church but she´s still not sure that it´s the true church or that she´s ready to commit to being baptized.  So we´re going to keep working with her until she feels convinced!  And also Luis´s brother just moved here from Cuba, so we should be able to start teaching him soon as well! 

Also, Orlando seems to have lost a little bit of his enthusiasm this week to learn from us...but he sounded eager to meet with us yesterday when we talked to him so hopefully he will be reading and progressing again!

Some funny things this week:
(Man Hermana Fowers and I have SO many funny things happen to us)
On Wednesday the Buhlers were in Madrid but Hermana Buhler gave us money to go buy croissants for our chicken salad sandwiches that we had after district meeting.  So we left half an hour early to go buy them.  We went to one bakery and bought everything she had, and she called ahead to another bakery just down the street to ask them to get croissants ready for us, So we went RUNNING down the street to the other bakery to pick up the croissants to go to district meeting...but when we got there the lady had JUST put them into the oven and we had to stand there waiting for 20 minutes to get the croissants.  She FINALLY gave them to us and we went running down the street with 6 bags of croissants as fast as we could to the church and so man people were laughing at us.  We finally got to district meeting 25 minutes late...but there were croissants!

We were waiting for a bus and an African man walked by and I said "Hola" to him and he said "buenas tardes" in response but he was African and had a really weird accent so it took me a minute to figure out what he had said. After another few seconds Hermana Fowers turned to me and said, "Did he just say ´plan of salvation´???"  She was totally convinced that he had, it was hilarious.

Also yesterday on the way to Yerlandy´s we got completely drenched in the rain.  It´s funny because it hardly ever rains in Las Palmas, but all this past week it´s rained at least a little.  It was pouring though yesterday for over a hour, and when we got to her house she just started laughing because we were thoroughly soaked. :)

New scripture and quote I found this week:
D&C 123: 12-17
And quote by Elder Maxwell:
“One’s life … cannot be both faith-filled and stress-free. …
“Therefore, how can you and I really expect to glide naively through life, as if to say, ‘Lord, give me experience, but not grief, not sorrow, not pain, not opposition, not betrayal, and certainly not to be forsaken. Keep from me, Lord, all those experiences which made Thee what Thou art! Then let me come and dwell with Thee and fully share Thy joy!’ …
“Real faith … is required to endure this necessary but painful developmental process.”
Also I finally listened to Priesthood Session!  President Uchtdorf´s talk goes up there on one of the best talks I´ve ever heard for me.  I absolutely loved it!
Thank you for all your prayers and support! LOVE YOU
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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