Monday, November 18, 2013

Picturas! Y Zona Conferencia de Todas las Islas!

Okay, so Lara didn't include a title with her email this week.  So I gave it a shot.  Don't laugh too hard!  

Hola todos!!
Knocking on Christopher Columbus' door.  No answer. :)
Making a wish!
Holy Spirit Street
Hna F and Hna S
w/ Nestor Alamo--Spanish writer, lawyer, composer

w/ G ready for Halloween!  

I'm writing this quickly from the B's dining room because today is Day One of ISLAND ZONE CONFERENCE, which is a 2-day affair and it's really exciting!  President J and his wife and all the missionaries from Tenerife are getting here right now, so things are starting up.  We've been mass cooking all day in Hermana B's kitchen.

Quick update--I'm not sick anymore. I spent Monday night at the B's and Tuesday in our piso sleeping and listening to Conference talks, but now I am totally fine and we had a great week!

Y didn't come to church again and we're not sure what to do to help her progress...we'll keep working and see how everything goes.  She did get us a reference when she was at the doctor-- she called us up and told us that she had started talking to a lady in the doctor's office and she wanted us to come by and visit her daughter, which we did last night! Her name (and her daughter's name) is R, and they're from Peru.  They're super great.  The daughter is 20 and is so nice.  We have all the same interests and we really hit it off last night.

Also, J is leaving today for Chile!  I can't believe he's going.  We had a farewell party with him yesterday at M's and it was so fun but so sad.  I also made my first really successful joke in Spanish--I had J and M cracking up.  I was pretty proud of myself. :)

So yeah, there's a line of missionaries waiting for the laptop so just know that I'm doing great and I'm super excited for Zone Conference today and tomorrow!!!

Les quiero un monton!!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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