Saturday, January 12, 2013

Test Dive

Apparently I needed even more evidence that the Lord is in the details of my life, because He's done it again!  I am so blessed; there is no way this can be pure coincidence.

First let me tell you about Hermana Washburn.  She is a sister in the Houston South Mission (where I live) who has some pretty serious health problems and is staying with the mission president, companion-less. Since I still don't have a job, I have the opportunity to study with her and go visit invesitagtors and other missionaries.  She is wonderful, and she's fluent in Spanish, so I can study Predicad mi Evangelio and El Libro de Mormon with her.  It's great for me to get the experience and great for her to have another sister to study with!

But it gets better: Hermana Washburn's dad was in the bishopric of my YSA ward at BYU, so I know her whole family, I've been to her house, I've played with her family's new dog.  I knew that Brother Washburn's daughter was having health problems on her mission, and we had all been praying for her.  It's incredible that I now get to serve with her after all that.

President Ashton (our mission president) had me go to the missiona conference this morning (WITH ELDER BALLARD) as Hermana Washburn's companion. How many missionaries get to go as a "missionary" to a mission conference before they leave on their missions? It was incredible, and I felt the matchless power of the word of an apostle of the Lord.

(Can I just say, I LOVE Elder Ballard? He is so humble and manages to be bold and compassionate at the same time.  What an inspired man.)

As amazing as all this is, the coincidences go further.  A sister in the mission here has been training a visa waiter who's going to France.  Her visa finally came in, and she leaves on Monday.  The next sisters don't come in until the following Wednesday a week and a half later, so the mission president didn't know what he was going to do with the companion-less trainer.  Hermana Washburn told him about me, and the stake president called me up to invite me to serve a mini-mission for that week and a half.

Of course, I was delighted to accept.  I had been applying for jobs like mad and nothing had come up, and the minute I heard from the stake president, I realized this was probably why.  After talking to Hermana Washburn and President Ashton, I learned a little more about the sister I'll be serving with. Her name is Hermana Moreno, and she's from...
...wait for it...

The sheer mathematical probability that I would have received my mission call to Spain and be waiting to leave in South Houston, without a job, at the exact time that a sister from Spain serving in the Houston South mission would be without a companion is infintesimal.

I CAN'T WAIT for the next week and a half serving with Hermana Moreno, getting to be a real missionary (I get set apart and everything) before I go to the MTC or to Spain.  I'm so excited and blessed to see the evidence of the Lord's hand in my life as I'm preparing to serve him for 18 months.

I cannot express how amazing and true the gospel is, and how very real Heavenly Father is and how very real Christ and His Atonement are.

I'll be sure to take pictures when I'm with Hermana Moreno so I can share the whole experience with you!  Espero que les guste esta semana y sientan contentas!

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