Tuesday, January 8, 2013


(I hope you caught the sarcasm there.)

My life has been really weird lately. Rather than try to explain elocuently what's been going on, let's just do bullet points.  (These will be in chronologially order, by the way.)

Since I arrived in Texas I have:

  • eaten a FOUR-COURSE meal.  I have never used that many plates or that many utensils IN MY LIFE.  I almost had to ask which fork to use.  My aunt makes the fanciest, most delicious food.
  • gone through the temple for the first time. It was amazing and enlightening and touched my heart in a way that nothing else has, at least not for a very long time.
  • missionary shopped. A lot, but not enough.  
  • spent almost $200 on books (in conjunction with my mom, and it was from volunteering at a book sale--I couldn't have spent it on anything else.)
  • tried to force my brother to dance with me.  I'm still working on that.
  • made friends (we went to Les Mis!), only to have almost all of them go back to BYU without me. woohoo.
  • re-read all 7 Harry Potter books.  All was well.
  • read The Queen's Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner. Which I HIGHLY recommend, by the way.
  • attended 3 mission prep classes in my ward, which are MARVELOUS.
  • spoke in Sacrament Meeting, helped teach Relief Society, and taught my first Gospel Essentials class.  Total Sundays ever in this ward: 5.
  • applied for a job at every place in the city. Still no luck...
  • badgered the Texas State Department of Safety to shreds over getting my visa paperwork done.  They are slow as Christmas, and I need it turned in!!!
  • studied my scriptures and Preach My Gospel a ton.  Because I have nothing else to do (and honestly, nothing else I'd rather do.)
...and that's pretty much it.  I think.

I'm excited for the ways my life will change in the upcoming months, and I'm still so grateful to be able to go on a mission right now, at 19, which I never dreamed I would be able to do.

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