Thursday, January 24, 2013


Tuesday was our P-day the first week, because we got to go to the temple! We rode with a few other sisters and met up with several elders there.

I just want to say that I LOVE the temple. I had already been humbled so much in my first day and it was a blessing to linger in the Lord's house and to feel His immense love for me. There is nowhere on earth like the temple. I could have stayed forever.

Then we went to a bookstore called This Is the Place. It's almost exactly like Deseret Book, and before this P-day trip, I hadn't even known it existed. So much for me thinking "I can only get that in Utah!" It's all here too!

Then we all went to the tunnels. I hadn't heard of these either, but I learned pretty quickly. In downtown Houston are a maze of underground tunnels with stores, restaurants, etc.  We ate lunch down there and Sister Moreno and I wound up exploring with Sister Wamsley and Sister Vea.  We didn't find much, but we did end up on the moon!

(Not exactly the most flattering picture I've ever had taken. Just ignore me.) Sister Wamsley is on the far left and Sister Moreno is in the middle. It was Sister Wamsley's last P-day ever--she went home on January 21st!

After our adventuring we went to the library for emailing (hahaha) and then to the Galleria for a few miutes. Mostly we just looked in the Texas souvenir shops. Elder and Sister Spencer, a senior couple who was with us, bought a Texas-shaped waffle iron. 

Sister Moreno and I then proceeded to get stuck in traffic, making us rather late to our dinner appointment at the Mennears'.  The Mennears live across the street from Daniel and are actually the ones who introduced him to the missionaries and played a huge part in his conversion.  They have a little girl named Sierra who is adorable and latched on to me right away. :)

Then we went to teach an investigator named Chaz with a couple from the ward. We taught the Plan of Salvation and even though I had no idea what I was doing for most of it, the Spirit was there so strongly and he clearly felt good about what we were teaching. He works on Sundays so we suggested that he pray for the opportunity to get off work and come to church to learn more about the gospel, and when he offered the closing prayer, he did just that!

After that we went home and fell into bed, since we'd gotten up extra early to make it to the temple on time. 

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