Monday, January 10, 2011

Let it snow!!

This is what it looks like today in my backyard.  I love snow. 
More correctly, I love sitting in my house sipping hot chocolate looking at the snow and thinking, "Good thing I don't have to be outside right now."

I think my favorite thing about the snow is the fact that everything is white.  There is all this ugly, dead grass and poky weeds and things that are all covered by the beautiful, sparkling, pure snow.  To me, it's a parallel to the atonement, like the story about the park and airport built on top of a landfill.  No matter what mistakes we've made, no matter how hideous our past, Christ can cover us with beautiful white snow. 
That is what I will be thinking today as I sit inside my warm house, looking at the beautiful blanket of white that coats the entire world.


  1. What a peaceful day! I spent my snow day watching the new Lark Rise. Which you need to see or I'll begin "spoiling" you again. ;)

  2. This is good preparation for Utah winters! We'll see if the beauty fades as you're trudging around campus next year . . .
