Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Isn't it a beautiful world?

There's something remarkably refreshing about staying up late and then waking up AFTER the sun.  I opened my window and was greeted with the beautiful white sparkle of a blanket of snow that's still covering everything in sight.  The world looks so much prettier when everything is a pure, perfect white.
And it's even better to think that I only have to go to school for an hour, then I get to go out to lunch with my best friend for her birthday!  I love being exempt, and I can't wait for Christmas.
On Sunday I got to watch my favorite Christmas movie, It's a Wonderful Life, and I cried through the end of it, as I always do.  There is something amazing about that movie and the thought that during your relatively short life, you have the power to touch so many people for good.  I love the reminder that even the least of us is infinitely important to our Father in Heaven.
Today is a lovely day, and I am living in a lovely world.  Thank you, Heavenly Father, for creating this beautiful place for us to live.  Thank you for the sunshine and the snow, and exam exemptions, and best friends, and Christmas and the sweet spirit it brings to all our hearts.