Monday, December 13, 2010

Hi, everyone!

So...I finally did it!  I got a blog!  And I'm trying to put a beautiful Christmas background on it, but it's not really working out for me right now.
But hello anyway. 
And look what I found today!  My mom showed me this website that sells geeky science and math T-shirts (aka my paradise) and I found this.
Here's a zoomed in picture so you can see it better...

For those of you who aren't chemistry nerds (or have never taken chemistry,) that number is Avagadro's number, or the number of molecules in one mole of a substance.

I really want this shirt now.


  1. Wow, that's a legit shirt. Moles are awesome, and I'm sure Avagadro's number is awesome as well. ;)

    Welcome to blogland, Lara! It's an interesting place... But you'll probably have fun on here :P

  2. Isn't it? I'm in love, I think.

    I'm glad you found me so fast!

  3. YAY LARA!!! You've joined the world of blogging! Or, blogland as Nina would say! =D
