Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Rapido, Rapido

Sorry I have only a couple seconds here because we´re going on a tour of the island today with the B's!!
But we had a really strange week...we almost got attacked by some crazy lady in the street, we got a member reference that is quite interesting...I don´t know how much I can say in this email so I´ll err on the side of caution and not say anything...just that this person is quite unique.

R is still progressing really well.  I don´t know if I mentioned that her grandpa is a member and he´s been inactive a long time but he came to church with her yesterday!  I´m pretty sure he had a stroke or some other health problem and so he´s sort of just like a little kid.  I invited him to church and told him that everyone would recognize him if he came back and it was true!  EVERYONE came up to him and was so excited to see him and everything.  It was AWESOME!  He was also there while we were teaching her and she told us that she believes the Book of Mormon is scripture and the Joseph Smith was a prophet!

I don´t know if I´ve talked about P...can´t really remember...but anyway, she´s awesome and we help her with English every week/teach her the lessons.  She absolutely LOVES us and she remembers everything we say and does it.  She´s come to church a couple times, she reads the Book of Mormon every night, even keeps it on her bedside table. Last week for my companion´s birthday she gave her a scarf,  and this week she bought me a thing of nail polish because a couple weeks ago I commented that I liked her nail polish, so she went out and bought me one.  We have such a good relationship with her and she keeps her commitments because she knows we care about her when we´re inviting her to do things and that we know those things can bless her. 

Anyway, aside from all the bizarre things that happened to us, we had pretty good week!  Next week O, the elders´80 year-old investigator, and probably D, the other elders´investigator are getting baptized, and Elder R kindly volun-told me for a musical number.  So I´m going to sing How Great Thou Art and D, the one who just got baptized, who´s amazing on the piano, is going to accompany me!  I´m pretty excited!

Also, we got approved to sleep at the B´s on Christmas Eve.  We´re SUPER excited!

Well, hasta luego!  I´ve got to go tour Gran Canaria!
les quiero todos!

p.s.  haha it still hasn´t gotten that cold here.  We´re still in the 60s.

Christmas for US is pretty Christ-centered, but apart from that it´s kind of a mix.  Christmas really isn´t a huge deal here anyway, they celebrate 3 kings day a lot more.  

But yeah, definitely what I miss the most is the "Messiah."  I think I talk about it every single day to my poor companion.

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