Monday, July 14, 2014

NO time.....but doing good.

Sorry we have NO time but we´re doing good. 

We saw our investigator again and now she has a fecha! We were able to teach really well by the Spirit and having the member that referred her to us was a huge help! We also saw a huge miracle when she came to church and all the members (many of them already knew her) welcomed her with open arms, showed her around to all the classes, and really took care of her. Not once did we have to worry about where she was, who she was with, or how she was liking it. That is exactly how missionary work should be! We are here to teach the lessons and do the formal preparations, and the members do everything else! She should be getting baptized on August 2nd. 

We were also able to get to know a lot of the members and work a lot with them. I feel like the Lord has really blessed us to be able to have a great relationship build quickly with the members in this whitewash. They already know us and trust us and many are anxious to have us teach their friends and family!
So yeah, have a great week, love ya. I´ll send some pics from our super cool

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