Monday, July 7, 2014

Getting to know Vigo--with LOTS of pictures!

So first before I get extremely distracted we´ve had a good week. We definitely had more success than last week as we´ve been figuring out where everything is and getting to know our investigators (also getting a bunch of new investigators!) We met some really cool new people. 

We still haven´t been able to see M again, but we have a cita with her tomorrow so if all goes according to plan we should have her with a baptismal date. 

We met an awesome new lady named M who came to English class and then stayed after with her daughter for FHE and loved it!  She´s from Peru and she´s super nice. She speaks almost perfect English because she lived in England for a few years. So we should be starting to teach her soon, and her almost 8 year-old daughter. 

We had a really cool lesson on the street with an atheist named T.  We talked to him about prayer and invited him to pray to know for sure that God exists. He agreed to do it, so we called him the next day to check up, and he said that he had prayed and that he had asked for something to happen and it did actually happen. But then he said that he wasn´t convinced it came from God...but he´s been thinking more about it. :) It was just a cool opportunity to be able to share our testimonies and invite someone to act and know for himself.

We´re starting to work with some less-active families and getting to know the branch better. There are a lot of really strong members here.  It´s awesome! :)

Okay now the fun stuff...Today we went to a few cool places in our area and then we went to Portugal!! I have a TON of pictures so I´ll be sending them!

view of Spain from Portugal


Celtic ruins on the way up the mountain

Elders with our Portuguese waitress

lunch in Portugal

A church in Portugal

Portugal across the river

another view of Portugal across the river

Portugal fortress

In a church in Portugal

Portugal in the background

atop the fortress

a street in Portugal

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watchtower fortress
watchtower peeking

Spain on the right, Portugal on the left, from a mountaintop in A Guarda

a replica of Christopher Colombus' Pinta
Lower fortress

at Playa Samil

Playa America

Looking across the bay from a fortress in Baiona

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