Thursday, September 19, 2013

¡¡Vamos a ser UNA ESTACA!!

So this week is stake conference!  The first EVER stake conference in the Canary Islands. We´re pretty excited around here. We´ve been inviting investigators and less actives like crazy to it.  The branch president gave us a huge stack of invitations and I think we have 3 left.  It´s going to be a huge deal, we´re helping set up a missionary booth in the chapel for the Saturday sessions and hopefully we´ll have one at the big conference center where we´re going on Sunday.

This week we invited Stella to get baptized on the 28th of September.  Her husband, Willy, wants to get baptized too, but he´s working right now in England and doesn´t know when he´ll be able to come back.  She basically told us that she told him she was going to get baptized, but then he told her that they should do it together and sort of talked her into waiting.  She agreed to pray about her fecha (baptism date), and I´m positive that if she gets a confirmation that it´s the right thing to do, she´ll just do it regardless of what her husband thinks is better.  She´s incredibly in tune with the Spirit and with knowing what´s good and what isn´t.  She´s basically a saint.  When we first invited her to get baptized she said she needed to prepare more and not be so prideful, and then to prove that she was prideful, told us a story about how her friend was really mean to her and then later she didn´t want to spend time with that friend.  That was her definition of pride.  We almost laughed because it was such a tiny trivial little thing and she´s just so righteous and good already. ("Sit down, Hermana Daniels!"--an inside family joke)

We also found Sofia this week.  Her parents are members but they´re less active because they work all day every day.  Her dad works in a little shop by the beach and we go by sometimes to teach him.  We dropped by on Wednesday and the shop was closed, and as we turned around to leave, he came up with Sofia, who´s 10, to re-open it after mediodía. We started talking to them and he said, "why don´t you teach her the First Vision?" and so we did, and she wants to get baptized.  We´re going to get someone from the branch who can bring her to church and primary activities, and we´re going to baptize her!  Pretty exciting.

Jhon (yes that is how he spells it) and Ilona continue to be really awesome. Jhon fits the definition of "broken heart and contrite spirit" to a tee.  He´s really starving for the góspel, and it´s really cool to see. If only he was married and didn´t smoke...

Julio continues the same, and his mujer (literally--"woman") is going to leave on Thursday.  Hopefully we can teach them both the law of chastity before they go. We still are a little bit in shock that they aren´t married.  Yesterday we had a farewell party for her, and it was really fun, like always.

For other news, we found that our favorite gelato place that we always traveled really far to go to has another shop close to our piso (apartment).  We´re not sure if that´s a good thing or if it´s a real danger...

I would like to solicit your prayers today especially for Stella, Julio, and Sofia.

Have a great week, all!
Hermana Schaumann

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