Monday, September 2, 2013

A Aumentar (Increasing)

 Lara & Hermana Floyd with Harrison on his baptism day.

               Lara at Aguimes on Gran Canaria on p-day (wearing her t-shirt with her AP Spanish teacher's picture on it.)   

The latest from Lara:

So today marks the first day of a new transfer.  And I am...still with Hermana Floyd in Las Palmas!!!  We are both really happy to stay here and to stay together, especially with the conference coming up in September and Julio´s baptism on Sunday.

Oh wait, what was that?  Whose baptism?

That´s right.  Julio´s getting baptized on Sunday!!!  And what else?  His wife also wants to get baptized.  As a matter of fact, she told us she knows she´s going to get baptized.  The only problem there is that she´s planning on moving to Chile on September 17th, and she doesn´t think she´ll be prepared to be baptized before then. (Which, we can´t really blame her, seeing as we´ve only taught her TWICE.)  She knows the church is true, though, and wants to be a part of it.  We are praying REALLY hard that either she changes her mind or her trip gets pushed back to mid-October, which is definitely an option.  When we told the branch president that she was moving in September, he said, "Well, we´ll just have to get her baptized before she leaves, won´t we?"  De acuerdo, Presidente Santana.

But the story gets better.  We invited her to be baptized on Saturday, she said, "yes, but not here," and then Julio looked at us and said, "Do you know why I´m getting baptized on Sunday?"  We just sort of looked at him and said, "Um...because you have a testimony?"  He said, "Yes, but beside that?"  We didn´t have a clue.  And then he told us, "I made a bargain with God.  I told him that if my wife opened up and started listening to and learning about the gospel, I would get baptized.  And now look what He´s done.  I can´t refuse my part when He´s done His so faithfully."  We were amazed.  There were tears in both of our eyes as we listened to him say that.  The gospel is true.  The God we worship is a God of miracles.  In not very long he and his wife are going to get sealed in the temple.  I know that without a doubt. 

Jaime and Harrison and Jonathan and Desiree are doing AWESOME.  Jaime has a calling now, Harrison and Jonathan just got the priesthood, and Desi was confirmed this weekend.  The elders are going to have us teach her the new member lessons, which makes me REALLY happy because I love her. 
Transfer changes: no one is leaving, but 4 NEW COMPANIONSHIPS OF ELDERS ARE COMING AND THEY´RE ALL GETTING CARS.  It´s going to be crazy.  And also Elder Saunders, who was my district leader in the MTC, is coming here to Vecindario, in the south of the island, and is going to be our district leader!

We´re really excited!  Elder Day and Elder Larsen will both be training here in Las Palmas and splitting up the area and their investigators.  It´s going to be crazy but it´s so cool.  This is our time to shine in the Canarias. We´re going to be a stake in 3 weeks!!!

Now let´s talk about some cultural things, which basically means food.  Here in the Canarias there are 3 food things that are popular.  One is mojo, which is this sort of spicy sauce that you eat with potatoes and tastes SUPER good.  You should look it up and try it.  Another is alioli, which is kind of like a seasoned mayonnaise sort of thing that you eat with bread or as a salad dressing. I also really like it.  The other is gofio, or toasted cornmeal, which people here eat ALL THE TIME.  Like, every single day for breakfast. Or they just put it in their soup.  Or in anything.  And I´m not a huge fan of it.  It kind of tastes like sand.  But we did buy today some gofio ice cream, which is pretty good, and if you mix it with cocoa, it tastes almost just like a frosty!  The other fun thing related to food that we did today is that we bought and cooked a rabbit!  It was actually really good.  We put it in an oven bag with potatoes and carrots and spices  It tastes exactly like turkey meat.  We might end up eating it again for thanksgiving, seeing how there aren´t turkeys here.  And in case you´re wondering, we just bought it in the grocery store.  They all have rabbits here, and some of them have horse meat also.  
Well, that was a really random update.  Hope it made some sort of sense!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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