Monday, July 8, 2013

Triumph Over Computer Glitches! From June 24

We had not received Lara's emails for today and the previous two Mondays, due to some unknown glitch.  They were being returned to her, and we weren't getting them.  Here comes the catch-up!  

June 24---
I had definitely thought of a lot of things to say in this letter and now that I´m sitting down to write it my mind is completely blank. 

This week was pretty good.  The temperatures cooled down a bit and we didn´t roast any time we stepped outside, which is always nice.  

We had a bunch of lessons this week with Teresa.  She is amazing.  Yesterday she made sure to arrange to have her nephew visiting when we came so he could talk to us as well.  On Tuesday we taught her the Restoration, and it was the best Restoration lesson we´ve ever taught.  We could feel the Spirit immensely, and at the end of the lesson she was looking at us, her eyes glowing, and she said that she felt so filled.  That sometimes you listen to people preach and it´s like they´re just saying words, but sometimes you listen to them and you feel full and happy and at peace, and that was how she felt with us.  

Let´s talk for a second about the Restoration video.  We love using this video because it´s powerful.  It always brings the Spirit and it always touches people´s hearts in a way that just our words can´t do.  But Satan also knows it´s powerful, and he does not like it one bit.  Every time we watch this, something bad happens.  Let´s list them: 

1) the DVD player will not function  
2) the remote control won´t let us move around on the menu screen to change the language  
3) the DVD freezes up halfway through 
4) someone rings the doorbell or comes into the room during the First Vision scene  
5) the phone rings right as the First Vision starts.
That´s what happened with Teresa.  Right at the beginning of the First Vision scene, her phone rang.  But it didn´t work because she still felt the Spirit strongly.  Haha, Satan, you can´t win.

Even though she can´t come to church very easily with her mother at home, really sick, she wants to come so badly.  She told us she was going to try her hardest to come but then her mom had a bad night and she didn´t want to leave her alone even for a little while to come to Sacrament Meeting.  

We had our first lesson with Jorge and he brought a friend with him!  And turns out his friend lives on the same floor of the same building where a couple from our ward live!  I´m excited to teach more lessons to the two of them!

And yeah, Mom, thanks for mentioning the missionary broadcast.  We don´t get to watch it until next week, so I have no idea what it says.  Now I´m going to be waiting anxiously to watch it...

A little note for all of you-- if you want me to get your letters without having to wait 3-6 weeks, please send them to my piso.  The address is
Avenida de la Alcarria 9, 1º D
28806 Alcalá de Henares

That being said, we have zone meeting this Wednesday, so I should be getting all my mail from the mission office then. 
We didn´t see Andrei or Luz at all this week, because they both work all day, every day.  Hopefully we can see them!  I hate not being able to see my investigators.

Updated list of investigators--
Teresa, Alejandra, Joel
Jorge, José

...and I think that´s it.  We had to drop a ton of people this week because we can´t ever get in contact with them or they just aren´t interested.
And before you ask, Nefí is the son of a less active sister in the ward.  He´s 23 or 24, I think.  We´re going to have a FHE with him, his mom, and his older sister and her family sometime soon.

Well, I think that´s about it for Torrejón.  I´ll let you know what else starts to develop this week!

con cariño,
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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