Monday, July 29, 2013

El Reino Celestial

So you all know, I have been transferred to paradise.  Literally, this place is like the celestial kingdom.  It is BEAUTIFUL.  Our piso is about a 2-minute walk from the ocean.  It is normally about 75-80 degrees and there is always an ocean breeze blowing.  All the buildings and everything are super colorful and most people live up in the hills/mountains so everyone has a view of the ocean out their windows.  It´s incredible.  

And I have to say it is really nice to be able to speak English with my companion.  We´re going to try and speak in Spanish most of the time but I needed a week break to remember how to talk to my companion in my native language!  Hermana Floyd and I get along really well and even though we´re both pretty new and don´t always know exactly what we´re doing, we are capable enough to teach in unity by the Spirit and our investigators can feel that, even if they can´t totally understand everything we´re saying.  It´s really cool to see how capable I am when I have to be the one that knows Spanish.  Neither one of us is senior companion, so we´re just being awesome over here in Las Palmas.  The elders in our branch are also from our MTC group.  Heavenly Father has a lot of trust in us to do some awesome things here.

And speaking of awesome things, WE HAVE A BAPTISM ON WEDNESDAY!!! His name is Jaime and he´s 41 and from Ecuador.  He is INCREDIBLE.  I first met him last Monday night at FHE and if Hermana Floyd hadn´t already told me about him, I would have thought he was a member.  He was quoting Elder Holland´s last two conference talks to me.  He has the strongest testimony I have ever seen in all my life. He is so ready to get baptized!

Also, we have a fecha (baptismal date, for those of you who don´t speak Spanish) with Julio, for August 17.  And to explain about Julio, I´m going to talk for a minute about the Buhlers.  The Buhlers are the senior couple here, and they are the coolest people I have ever met.  Every Wednesday for district meeting Hna. Buhler makes us American food.  And it tastes SO good just because it is American!  She is a lifesaver, seriously.  

But back to Julio.  So Hna. Buhler teaches an English class here every Tuesday and Thursday night.  About 30 people usually come. Julio was one of the first ones to come, and one day he just asked Hermana Floyd, "You guys have scripture study classes too, right?  I want to go to those."  And so the hermanas started teaching him.  He is really cool and has a really strong testimony too.  He is Peruvian and his wife is from "The Peninsula" which means mainland Spain.  He was just investigating by himself but now he´s been bringing his wife to church with him too!

I don´t have time to tell you about all our other investigators, but here´s a list:
Dilcia, Marvin, Georgina
Claudia, Gianni

Our main thing right now is to look for new investigators, so we´re going to try and work with the ward to find some less actives or part member families to teach.  Our branch has more than 600 members, but only about 120 come to church every week.

I exhort you ALL to google earth my address.  And also, if you want to send me something PLEASE send it here because if it gets sent to the mission office I will not see it for probably 6 months.  


Hermana Lara Schaumann
C/ Leon y Castillo 111, 4ºC
35004 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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