Monday, December 3, 2012

Bajo la Misma Estrella

I have eight tests in the next ten days.
During which time I have to say goodbye to all of my friends for the next two years.  ALL of them.  I will not see any of my friends again for TWO YEARS.
AND I have to somehow fit everything I own into A SINGLE suitcase.
HA.  HAHA.  No.
I can tell you right now that this is not going to be fun.  In fact, it's going to be downright awful.

Basically, I want to crawl under a blanket and never come out again until a magic fairy has taken all my tests for me and gotten 100% on each one and packed all my things.

But on December 15, I get to see my family again! And then I will have NO tests and NO homework for three months.
And then? I'll be in Spain!
And most exciting of all is that on December 18 (probably) I'm going to go through the temple for the first time!

Not to mention it's Christmastime and so I can listen to Christmas music while I try to absorb my textbooks via ocular osmosis.

Now I'm going back to study for my exam tomorrow and my exam on Wednesday and my exam on Thursday.
It isn't even finals week yet.

But first, have this quote from one of my new favorite books, The Fault in Our Stars.

“’Always’ was a promise!  How can you just break the promise?”
“Sometimes people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them,” I said.
Isaac shot me a look. “Right, of course.  But you keep the promise anyway.  That’s what love is.  Love is keeping the promise anyway.  Don’t you believe in true love?”
I didn’t answer.  I didn’t have an answer.  But I thought that if true love did exist, that was a pretty good definition of it.

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