Monday, November 5, 2012

I've been fighting against this for months now

...but, Lizzie Bennet Diaries, I'm in love with you.

If, like I had only a few weeks ago, you have never heard of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, allow me to enlighten you.

The Lizzie Bennet Diaries are a series of video blogs that present a modernization of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice. They are immensely clever, remarkably true to the original story, extremely quotable, and absolutely delightful to watch.

Reasons you should watch them:
1. Anne de Bourgh is a dog.
2. Kitty Bennet is actually a cat.
3. Lizzie reenacts every noteworthy scenario that isn't caught on film. In costume. In character voices.  And she forces whoever happens to be nearby at the time to reenact it with her
4. Charlotte Lu edits Lizzie's videos, and adds all sorts of sarcastic comments and voice-overs and sometimes even draws a mustache or devil horns on Lizzie as she's talking.

Not to mention they're CLEAN.  In the 61 episodes yet published, there have only been a handful of bad words/innuendos/etc. (most if not all of those come from Lydia.)

I strongly recommend this to ANYONE who knows and loves the story of Pride and Prejudice.  It puts a wonderful new modern spin on the story, while leaving the original tone and feel of the novel and all the characterizations completely intact.

So here.


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