I find a lot of things beautiful that the world would scorn or brush off. And a lot of things that I hear praised for their beauty aren't really beautiful to me.
To me, beauty is more than a combination of colors or arrangement of atoms or a progression of chords.
For something to be beautiful, it has to be true. When I feel a certainty in my heart that something is real and true, it becomes beautiful to me. Anything fake or hidden just isn't as beautiful to me as something that is honest and not afraid to be itself. Beauty flees the darkness and embraces, thrives in the light.
Beautiful things make me happy. And not just the quick-laugh-and-grin happy--the kind of happy that settles in my heart and warms my toes with lasting peace and comfort and just a good feeling. One beautiful thing can change my day from mediocre to wonderful in mere seconds. Sad things can be beautiful too, because sometimes feeling sad makes me even more grateful for what I have and what I can learn from the sadness. And learning things always makes me happy.
I don't necessarily recognize beautiful things on sight. Anything beautiful needs to be recognized by the heart and mind, and that might take a little concentration and time. Nothing is truly beautiful that doesn't make you think, and even change you a bit.
Something beautiful will always touch my divine nature. I will hear words spoken that remind me of scriptures, hear music that fills my soul with the Spirit, and see images that make me grateful for all I have been given. The gospel is the most beautiful thing I know, and whenever something reminds me of the gospel, it is beautiful to me as well.
So when the world has decided that beauty is a skin color, a style, a place, a person, I know what is beautiful to me. And as long as I surround myself with what I find beautiful, I think I'm set to face the world with a smile on my face.
I think this song is one of the most beautiful I have ever heard. When I listen to it, I feel like I am listening to exactly what peace sounds like.
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