Thursday, January 5, 2012

I May Very Well Never See the Light of Day Again

I have been to all my second-semester classes at least once. 

And...It will be a miracle if I get any sleep at all this semester.

It's not that I am dreading my classes, per se.  Just that they will be extremely time-consuming.  I have been informed that I can look forward to spending 9-12 hours a week outside of class studying for Organic Chemistry, and 6-9 hours a week studying for Physics.  Not to mention Linear Algebra, for which there is a lot of homework, or Comparative Literature, for which I have to read ten a lot of books and write eight also a lot of essays. 

I've already been inundated with readings and quizzes and homework problems and a lot more readings.

I spent twenty minutes making up my study schedule for the semester and...I will rarely see any of my roommates or my bed. 

I also made a study playlist on Grooveshark which at this point consists solely of the beautiful and inspiring music of Jeremy Zuckerman and Benjamin Wynn.  Unlike most music, which distracts me, this helps me relax and focus.  As grateful as I am for their musical brilliance, I will probably be listening to this nonstop...because I will be studying nonstop.

Sigh.  Deeper sigh.  It will be worth it to get good grades and put the effort into learning the material thoroughly.  I know that.  Just...sigh.

Actually, the only way I know for sure that I'll survive is the fact that the first thing on my study schedule for every day is to read a talk from General Conference and the last thing on my day is to read my scriptures--both the Book of Mormon and the New Testament.  Starting and ending my day by studying the gospel and getting in tune with the Spirit will make me more focused, more centered, and more at peace.  If not for the gospel, I would be incomprehensibly lost. 

I am eternally grateful for my Heavenly Father's love for me and all the ways He has supported me thus far in my life.

To anyone feeling overwhelmed or lost or discouraged, I strongly recommend your reading this.  It really helped me to put everything in perspective and remind me that with His help, I can overcome anything that seems incomparably daunting.

So now I take a deep breath and say a prayer and work to keep my life aligned with my Heavenly Father's will.

Because without His help...I'm really not sure I can do this.

1 comment:

  1. So, have you really not seen your bed or your roommates? Your facebook page would suggest otherwise. :)

    Thanks for the link to the great Holland article!
