Thursday, June 18, 2015

我爱你, 中国.

Six weeks ago I stepped off a plane at 12:30 a.m. into a humid and muggy capital city with no clue how much everything I was about to do would change my life. And now, words can't express everything I've gone through and learned.
I've learned that it only takes a few seconds to fall in love.  And I don't mean in the typical sense of boy meets girl, but fall in love with a city, with a group of Chinese university students, with a bunch of dorky Americans, with a class of first graders in a rural elementary school, with a group of Tibetan folk dancers, with the view from the top of the world, with adventure, with the sun on your face and the wind in your hair.  I was overwhelmed by the immense love I felt for all of them.  I learned that it doesn't take long to be able to connect with, understand, and sacrifice for someone else, and that the kind of love that brings is the most powerful and the most beautiful.

I've learned that the gospel is ever-powerful and ever-beautiful.  I saw its light shine to everyone we met as we simply lived its truths.  We never talked about our belief in Christ or God, but we lived our beliefs, and that has a power no one can ignore.  I am so grateful to have the gospel in my life, and I hope to show my love for it to every person I meet, with or without words.
I've learned that God loves all people.  The love I was able to feel for them was nothing compared to His perfect love.  He is aware of their joys, their sorrows, their questions and doubts.  He wants the very best for them, and He wants them to know Him as He knows them.  He is truly their Father in Heaven.  I have no doubt about that.

I've learned that fear is nothing but a figment of the imagination.  Certainly, it seems real, but when you truly understand how to love, fear is simply irrelevant.  On this trip I scaled mountains.  I stood at the edge of cliffs.  I touched the clouds.  I hoped.  I dreamed.  So many times I heard my fears whisper to me that I wasn't good enough, that I couldn't do what I hoped to, that I was not strong enough, not smart enough, not brave enough.  But I felt and understood that those things are simply not true.  I know where I have put my trust, and that alone will carry me to the highest of heights.  Yes, I of myself am not good enough, but with God's help, I can do all things and I can become more than I ever dreamed I could be.  Fear has no place, not after everything I have seen and been taught by Him.

So I am infinitely grateful for this chance I had to step out into the world and learn to love it with all my heart. My life has been changed, and I will never forget China and all that it means to me.
Until I see you again,
我爱你, 中国.

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