Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Stepping Stones

Whoops.  I changed the URL for probably the 8th time since I made this blog.
(To be fair, it was kind of necessary this time.)

So this new URL comes from one of my very favorite talks by Neal A Maxwell, entitled "Consecrate Thy Performance".  He says,

"Spiritual submissiveness [or patience, or charity, or any other Christlike virtue] is not accomplished in an instant, but by the incremental improvements and by the successive use of stepping-stones.  Stepping-stones are meant to be taken one at a time anyway." 

This quote is extremely inspiring and comforting to me.  As I striving disciple of Jesus Christ, I see so clearly what I ought to be and do.  I have Christ's perfect example constantly before me, devoid of any flaw whatsoever.  And sometimes when we look at that, being my flawed self, it feels so overwhelming to think that I'm supposed to become like that.

What I understand Elder Maxwell as saying is that we constantly need to be progressing and working towards that goal of ultimate perfection, but there's no need to freak out if it doesn't happen overnight.  I love the idea of stepping stones, of picking one weakness at a time to conquer before taking a step forward to the next one.

And that's what I plan to chronicle here: my progress, day by day, one flaw at a time, to try to eventually become like my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, whom I love with all my heart and soul. And I know it's thanks to His perfect and infinite Atonement that I can eventually become perfect, as He is.

So here's to my journey, one stepping stone at a time. Gracias a Él. 

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