Monday, October 14, 2013

Despedidas y Bienvenidas

So, Mom, you were asking if I was going to be affected by transfers.  And the answer to that is yes!  Hermana Floyd has maxed out her time in the Islands, so she's headed to Madrid and I'm going to stay here with Hermana Fowers.  (I'm senior companion and area training!)  All I know about her is that she's from Utah and she just finished her 12-week training. Her flight gets here in about an hour, so I'll probably meet her in about 2 hours. I was really sad to say goodbye to Hermana Floyd but I know I'm going to love Hermana Fowers!  Something funny about this transfer is that Hermana Floyd's trainer was Hermana Zitting, and I came here right when Hermana Zitting left.  Well, Hermana Zitting went to Madrid, where she trained Hermana Fowers.  And now Hermana Fowers is coming here with me!  So apparently I have to "greenie bust" all the people that Hermana Zitting trains. :) 

(Hna. Zitting is from TN too, but from Cookeville.) 

So that's what's going on with transfers.  Hna. Hansen also went back to Madrid, and Hna. Cassinat is going to be with Hna. Smith, who was in my group in the MTC. 
Hna. Floyd and Hna. Hansen left early this morning, so we had a sleepover at the Buhlers' house and we ate pumpkin pancakes for breakfast!  YUM. The Buhlers take such good care of us.  I don't know what I'm going to do without them when I have to leave here...

All right, now for the investigators: 
Updated list:

Yerlandy and Isora are still doing pretty well, but they didn't come to church yesterday and I'm not quite sure why... Hopefully they'll still get baptized the 26th of October.  Or at least Yerlandy will.  Isora I think is going to progress at a slower pace.

But we also met Yerlandy's friend Luis this week.  We had FHE with a young SEALED couple who are both RMs who are absolutely awesome, and we invited Yerlandy and Isora.  It turned out that Isora couldn't come, so Yerlandy invited her friend Luis. We had never met him before and we went straight to the FHE 5 minutes after we met him.  We sat down and started talking about our church and the Book of Mormon and we were talking about the restored gospel and he turned to us and said, "you keep saying your church is restored.  But restored from what?  The Catholic church? The Protestants?" I beamed at him when he asked that.  And then we taught the Restoration.  He's incredible.  Absolutely prepared.  He's a really good, polite, kind, just wonderful person.  And he's 23, so he's a YSA. I really think that he and Yerlandy are going to help each other gain their testimonies and they're both going to get baptized really soon.  Like, in 2 weeks or so. And they come to our ward FHE and the YSA activities and everything.  Our plan is to get them both baptized and then get them married and sealed...but we'll see about that one. :)

This week we talked in district meeting about asking inspired questions as we teach, and we did an activity using 3 different types of questions.  We each picked a scripture and did a basic "what" question, something that you can answer straight from the text, a deeper "why" comprehension question, and a "how" application question.  And Hna. Floyd and I have been doing that in our lessons and they've gone so well.

We had another lesson with Orlando this week and we realized by asking questions that he really doesn't understand very much of what we say.  So we just explained, in the simplest terms possible, why it's important for him to read the Book of Mormon and gain a testimony of it. And he got it this time.  He told us he was going to read every day.  
We also had a really cute goodbye lesson with Claudia, her pareja Gianni, and their kids, Giovanni and Danna.  It was so cute to get to listen to them talk as a family about the gospel.  Gianni is always at work, so that was the first time I had ever had a lesson with him there. She told us that she has all her marriage papers together in Paraguay, and now she just has to get everything legalized and sent over here. That is one family I cannot wait to see sealed in the temple.

Please keep your prayers coming.  I can definitely feel the power they have in our area here.

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