Monday, August 12, 2013

Doble Bautismo!

(quick disclaimer: when I say double baptism I don´t want you to think that we´re going to baptize 2 people.  It´s a double baptism because we have a baptism, and the elders in our branch also have a baptism.)

So our baptism is for Harrison, who is so prepared and so awesome.  When we were starting to think he couldn´t come on time for ANYTHING, he came 20 minutes late to FHE, 10 minutes late to an activity on Saturday morning, and 5 minutes EARLY to church.  He also had and passed his baptismal interview!  We were talking to him on the phone this morning and he was super excited.  He kept saying "Ever since I decided to get baptized, I´ve just been so happy." He´s kind of shy, but he gets along well with the other members at church and he says he always feels so welcome there.  Thank you, members, for that sort of caring!  I love that he can feel that.  He got the first lesson on July 14th, so it will have been just barely over a month that he´s been meeting with the missionaries.  He still has a lot to learn about the gospel, but he´s going to learn it and love it!

So Harrison is our miracle.  And if we really want to talk about another miracle, that´s what the elders got.  Their baptism is a 24 year-old named Jonotan. He´s been investigating the church for somewhere around 4 years.  And he´s just never gotten baptized.  He always had one excuse or another.  But the missionaries didn´t give up on him, and kept visiting him and helped him stay active in the church activites, especially with YSA.  So he kept coming, and one day a couple weeks ago he called the elders and said that he needed to meet with them because he had something important to talk with them about. They were understandably a little nervous but went to meet with him.  And he told them "I keep having this dream.  It´s always the same dream, and I have it every night after I´ve prayed and read my scriptures.  If I don´t read and pray, I don´t have it.  But in this dream, I´m out preaching the gospel as a missionary."

And the elders said, "Well, I´m pretty sure God´s telling you he wants you to serve a mission. Can we set a baptismal date with you so you would be able to serve?"  And so they set the date for the 24th.  But they were planning, and they knew he could get baptized right away. So they called him and asked if he wanted to change his date to the 17th. He said, "Um, I´ll have to get back to you on that."  And when the elders asked why, he said "Well, I have to pray about it and get an answer first!"  And so now he´s getting baptized on the 16th (we had to change it to Friday, but whatever) with Harrison!  It´s going to be awesome!

We had a really good first lesson with Mayeriy, who is from Colombia.  She had a TON of questions and it took us forever to finish the lesson, but her questions were really good and we couldn´t just not answer them!  I´m excited to see where she progresses.  By the end of the lesson, she seemed to really like what we were teaching. :)

Funny story of the week: Mayeriy lives pretty close to us, but we didn´t leave her piso until 9:53, and we have to be back in our piso at 10:00.  So we RAN the entire way back, and we had to go through a little shadier part of town to get back on time, and some of the girls there watched us run and kind of laughed and one of them asked, ¨What happened to you?" and Hermana Floyd just looked back over her shoulder without slowing down and said "We´re in a hurry!" in an out-of-breath, kind of squeaky voice.  They probably thought we were running away from a bad situation.  But no, we were just being obedient. :)

Have a great week!
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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