Monday, June 3, 2013

Battle for the bouquet?

Man I don´t even know where to start.  We had a ridiculously slow week in which we were working our hardest to have lessons and make contacts and didn´t have or receive ANY.  We called every current and former investigator but either they were busy or they never answered the phone.  We didn´t find a single new investigator either.  It´s kind of discouraging to look at our numbers for the week but it´s good to know that we were working the hardest possible and that it isn´t our fault.  

The thing that´s been the biggest challenge for me is that I have a clear image in my head of who and what I want to be.  I can picture myself being this incredibly powerful missionary and then I go out and start to work and I´m just not that.  It´s been SO hard to recognize the  progress I am making when I´m still falling so short of my personal goal. But with Heavenly Father´s help I´m starting to recognize the things I´m getting better at even though I´m not where I want to be with the language or with contacting or in teaching lessons. It´s hard for me because I have a strong testimony of the power of silence and of waiting and letting the investigator think and feel the Spirit but my companion hates silence and always starts talking if it´s more than a few seconds. Because of that I hardly ever talk in lessons or in contacts, and I want to, but I would rather have the investigator feel the Spirit than listen to my words. We´ve been trying to get a balance down, and it´s improved, but we have a ways to go still.

Today for P-day we got to go to the mission home for a barbecue and party with all the missionaries in the Madrid area.  It was super fun--we played frisbee and ping pong and I got to catch up with some of the elders and sisters I knew in the MTC. I was so blessed to be a part of an amazing group in the MTC.  Seriously, we have some powerful missionaries.

Andrei is still progressing and doing well.  He found at least a part time job which is good for him because he has work but bad for us because he has less time to meet with us.  The thing we learned, though, is that he smokes, so we´re working on a plan to help him quit.  He´s still learning a ton and loves the gospel, and we also found out that he set his own baptismal date without us saying or doing anything about setting a date!  He won´t tell us what it is, though.  We´ll see.  He came to the baptism that the elders in our ward had yesterday and seemed to really enjoy it. Keep praying for him!  I know he´ll get baptized but it might be a while.

Funny story for the week: A couple got married this weekend and we had their wedding reception in the church on Friday night.  It was crazy because they got married really suddenly because the groom´s papers came through and they could finally get married in Spain.  So everything was pulled together in 2 or 3 days. Anyway the story is that we all got up for the bouquet toss and Hermana Vouemba was standing towards the front of the group of girls. So she throws the bouquet and suddenly I watch and this other sister from the ward and Hermana Vouemba are both on the floor.  The other lady got the bouquet and Hermana Vouemba just sat there, startled, for a few seconds. What happened was that Hermana Vouemba wasn´t even doing anything--the other lady just really wanted the bouquet and so she shoved her out of the way and onto the ground. Yesterday the WHOLE WARD was like "Hermana Vouemba, we heard what happened to you!  Guess you really want to get married!"  She was so embarrassed but it was HILARIOUS.

So anyway, pray for Torrejón!  We need to find some new investigators that will answer their phones and have time to meet with us.

Tomorrow I think we have exchanges and then we get to go to the temple Wednesday morning.  I´ll have to let you know how all that goes next week!  Transfers are on Monday so we find out on Saturday who stays and who goes. 

THANK YOU, family, Rachel, and President Barrow for your letters!  I loved coming out of district meeting with all of them and it made my day to read them and see pictures.  The pictures are all over my wall! 
Best of luck to you all!  I´m praying for you!

Con cariño,
Hermana Lara Schaumann

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