Monday, May 20, 2013

The Rain in Spain....

...has apparently been staying mainly in Torrejon.

Here's Lara's latest:

I literally have NO TIME AT ALL right now to email and it´s really stressing me out.  SO sorry if this is really scatterbrained and full of typos and doesn´t make any sense.  I´ll try my hardest.

Gah--this week was rough.  We had almost no appointments and spent the entire week in the rain and freezing cold (it was totally in the 40´s all week and pouring rain) trying to contact people on the streets when there wasn´t anybody on the streets. It was frustrating because I didn´t feel like we were doing anything.
But then on Friday we finally had lessons--like 6 of them all in a row.  It was insane.  We were running from one side of the city to the other ALL DAY LONG.  

Our best lesson on Friday was with Herbert.  He´s planning on being baptized into the Catholic Church soon, and when we talked to him before, he didn´t really understand why our religion was so important.  During planning, we decided that we had to be bold.  So in the lesson I just went for it.  I bore my testimony boldly and surely that this church is the only way for us to have a fulness of joy and that I know it´s true.  I don´t know if it changed his mind, but for the first time I wasn´t frustrated with myself after the lesson because I had followed the Spirit and I had been confident and straightforward.  

We also had yesterday our first lesson with a new investigator Andrei who is from Romania and has only lived in Spain for 8 months.  He doesn´t have a job, and isn´t completely fluent in Spanish yet, but he can understand us and respond to our questions.  At the end of the lesson, we gave him a Book of Mormon and promised him that it would help him find peace and joy in his life.  He rattled off to us a bunch of questions he had about life and his struggles with finding a job, and I could think of an exact answer to every question he asked in the Book of Mormon.  It was amazing to realize that so many answers can be found there and can bless our lives. 

Today is my cumplemes and it´s been exactly 2 months since I went into the MTC!  I love being a missionary and I´m excited to see where this continues to take me!

I hope you all have a great week!

Hermana Lara Schaumann

Since I managed to catch Lara's email at the time she was emailing and respond immediately, she was able to send back a few responses to my questions as to what she needs:

 I would appreciate it if you could send hard copies of pictures to me, because it´s really hard trying to print stuff off here.
And yes, the mosquitoes are ATROCIOUS.  I use bug spray, for sure.

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