Sunday, March 11, 2012


Living at BYU, it's sometimes easy to forget how blessed I am as a a member of the church.  I forget how fortunate I am to be surrounded by people who share my standards and beliefs.

Today I got to attend stake conference with two members of the Seventy, who conducted a question and answer session with us.  It was amazing to hear their inspiring counsel and to have questions I didn't ask, even questions I didn't know I had, answered.  I felt an outpouring of the Spirit and a resounding reassurance that Heavenly Father knows me and loves me. 

I also was reminded of how incredible fortunate I am to be surrounded by boys who are righteous and worthy priesthood holders, who are willing and eager to serve missions.  It is astounding to see boys who are often ridiculous and immature completely attune themselves to the voice of the Holy Ghost.  I have heard boys who didn't know particulars speak the exact phrase that means the most to a suffering soul.  It is amazing how much of a power the priesthood is in our lives.

I am so blessed to have the gospel and to have access to the priesthood and personal revelation!

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