Saturday, September 24, 2011

Homesick for Provo

This weekend my roommate Emily and I took a trip up to Salt Lake City.  She's a convert, and today was the one-year anniversary of her baptism.  She had never seen the Salt Lake temple before, so we decided to go on her special day.  We got to walk all around Temple Square and see the Joseph Smith movie in the Legacy Theater.  It was an awesome spiritual experience being able to discuss the gospel with her and feel the beautiful peace that abounds on temple grounds. 
Here are some beautiful pictures of our fun adventure:

 The Christus statue in the Visitor's Center.

 Posing on the wedding picture pedestal in front of the temple!

 The reflection pool--my personal favorite!

This picture was taken by the cutest couple who had just gotten married in the Salt Lake temple a month before.  They were so nice and fun to talk to!

What I learned:  The gospel is AWESOME.  It really is.  I love having friends who feel the same way I do about the temple and the scriptures and the prophets and apostles.  And...Provo is the best.  When I saw the Y on the mountain and the SWKT, I just felt like I was back home.  ...I LOVE college.

P.S.  Although we did take 2 buses and a monorail there and back, we did not get lost!  We both consider this a monumental personal acheivement.

Monday, September 12, 2011

I wish I was this talented.

This is CRAZY.  I could listen to it over and over again.  In fact, I have.  The entire time I've been working on my homework.

Friday, September 9, 2011

General Reflections and Musings

Things I have learned in my first two weeks at college:

1.  Some things about college are pretty similar to high school, but in a good way.

2.  35,000 people is a LOT of people.

3.  Not having a temple recommend is a horrible thing.

4.  There are always boys in my apartment.

5.  The aforementioned boys really like cookies.

6.  It's a lot easier to not do homework than it is to do it.

7.  It's helpful to have friends in your classes who know how to help you.

8.  Calculus without plus tens, puns, and corny jokes is different but not necessarily bad.

9.  1:00 A.M. is the best time to have a heart-to-heart with your roomates in the kitchen (whilst eating cookies.)

10.  Campus isn't nearly as big or as scary as it seems.

11.  My scriptures are my best friend.

12.  Sometimes Heavenly Father has different plans for you than you have for yourself.  And He always knows best.

13.  It's really easy to listen attentively when your professor is British.

14.  When I am myself all the time, people end up liking me for it.

15.  My Heavenly Father loves me and knows me and cares about me more than I can comprehend.

16.  I love BYU.  I love my ward and my roommates and my classes and my professors and my friends and the campus and sitting reading my textbooks in the grass and singing along with good musicians and concerts in parking garages and having long conversations with people I don't know and falling in love with my life.

P.S. Sorry there are no pictures.  I will take some and put them up soon.  PROMISE.