Monday, September 7, 2015

I Know

A wonderful friend of mine with an extraordinary gift for words and an enormous testimony wrote this post , which inspired me to make one of my own.

There are many things I don't know, many things about which I am uncertain.  But these are the things I most definitely do know.

I know that God lives.  I know that He knows me and He loves me.  I remember being almost 12 years old at a fireside for new Young Women and learning that we were all princesses and daughters of a King.  I can still feel now that same simple assurance that I am infinitely precious to Him.

I know that Jesus Christ suffered and died for all mankind, but also for me personally. I don't pretend to understand the intricacies of His atoning sacrifice, but I do know that it works.  I don't know how, but I cannot ignore the fact that because of His atonement, I am a different person than I was.  My fears, weaknesses, and sins are washed away by His blood.  I know that the power of the atonement is the more real than anything else.

I know that the Lord is present and involved in our lives today.  I know that the power of the priesthood is real and that we have living prophets on the earth.  I know that in the spring of 1820 a young boy who was not afraid to ask a question saw God the Father and Jesus Christ.  I know that They still stand at the head of Their church.

I know that I have made and am striving to keep sacred covenants with God.  These covenants shape all my goals and desires and everything I hope to become.  They are the most certain thing I have; I know that no matter what may happen to me, if I keep the promises I have made with God, He will keep those He has made with me.

I know that I can always find solace in God's words: both the ancient scriptures and the words of modern prophets.  When I study these words, God speaks directly to me and helps me see His vision of what I can accomplish and become.

I know that I love the Lord.  I hope to be able to give Him all that I am; my talents, my time, my heart, and my will.  I want nothing more than to be His.  I know that I can return to live with Him someday, and I cannot let anything prevent me from making it there.