Friday, December 16, 2011


Since I'm super awesome and fail horribly at updating my blog--
(Sorry for that, by the way)

I have survived my first semester of college.  More than survived, actually.  In spite of the fact that I rarely sleep, and sometimes spend hours wondering if anyone knows I'm alive, I love my life.

My roommates are fantastic. 

My FHE group is delightful.

Football games are insanely fun.

My roommate Sara and I are best best friends.

I have learned a lot about how to not sleep and continue to act like I have slept, how to make myself do all my schoolwork before anything else, how to be a fangirl in all aspects of my life, how to make sure I know what's important and set my priorities properly, how to keep the gospel always at the top of my priorities list, how to study for 5 hours straight, how to laugh at myself, how to make other people laugh at me, and how to be truly beautiful, regardless of anyone else's opinions or tastes, and how Heavenly Father never ever leaves me alone. 

And now, hasta la vista, Provo.  Tomorrow I embark on a grand return adventure to the land of Franklin, Tennessee.

To all my dear friends in Tennessee, I am VERY excited to see you again.  As marvelous as my collegiate life is, I miss you guys.  I make it a goal to see as many of you as I can for as long as I can upon my return. 

So assuming I don't die on the plane or in the airport, I will see you all soon.  It will be marvelous to step back in to my old life for a few weeks. 

Tennessee, I will see you in approximately 24 hours.